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Create Excel Lookup Table

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Starting with Version 5.60 Datagraph can create an excel lookup table with your nomogram values. Three different excel tables are provided for myopic and hyperopic astigmatism and mixed astigmatism data. The 'create Excel Table' button becomes active only if both R² coefficients are at least 0.9 or higher. Values are only shown within the data range of existing outcomes. Do not change Nomogram coefficients or upper and lower data range values manually, as this will change the nomogram calculation.

Care must be taken, to generate nomograms only from appropriate data sets and filter settings.


Important: Due to the complexity of the nomogram generation process, this feature is given “as-is”, without warranty, and disclaiming liability for damages resulting from using it. Do not change your treatment regimen or existing nomograms without fully understanding the entire procedure and consequences. Do not base treatment decisions on small patient groups, scattered or unstable data. Verify suggested nomogram settings by other means and check for plausibility. The use of all nomogram related features, including the provided excel lookup tables, is under the exclusive responsibility of the treating surgeon.

